我們重視員工,主動創造溫暖穩定的環境氛圍,提供學習成長的機會訓練及身心靈的成長。並且投入社會公益的行列,如協助偏鄉孩童英語教育提升、舉辦公益路跑活動為弱勢兒童募款等,盼望將創辦人彭蒙惠宣教士的服務理念「一生的朋友 (A Friend for Life)」推廣至社會各角落,將工作和良善助人結合。竭誠歡迎具專業且認同文化理念的朋友加入我們。
Responsible for reviewing written content of English-teaching magazines to ensure excellent readability, grammar and punctuation according to the AP Stylebook. Coordinate proofreading. Work with other editors and art department to finalize layouts. Some article writing also required.
Email a cover letter and resume with photo and salary requirements to hr_taipei@ortv.com