Studio Classroom and Heavenly Melody Choir performed seven Christmas concerts this year. The theme was “The Journey of Christmas”. ORTV Executive Director Daniel Hsieh expressed his hope that through music, drama, games, and testimonies, the concerts would bring peace, joy, and love, and blessing to all who attended.
The performances began on December 12 at Chung Yuan Christian University in Taoyuan, and continued with two performances on December 14 at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC). More than 5,400 people attended the concerts, and 548 people made decisions to accept Jesus into their hearts. The following weekend, on December 21 and 22, Studio Classroom/Heavenly Melody took the concerts to Taipei Bread of Life Church, the first collaboration between the two organizations. More than 5,400 people attended these four concerts in-person or online, and 100 people made decisions to accept Jesus into their hearts.
More than 11,000 people attended our seven concerts, and about 650 people made decisions to accept Jesus into their hearts. Praise God!